Lynn Lake is a town located in Manitoba’s Northwest. The population is approximated at 675 residents. Lynn Lake is located 1,071 kilometres Northwest of Winnipeg, Manitoba, and can be found at the end of Highway 391. A little closer to home is Leaf Rapids, which is a little over 100 kilometers to the Southeast. Thompson, Manitoba is located 322 kilometers from Lynn Lake down that same highway (Highway 391).

Lynn Lake is officially the Sport-Fishing Capital of Manitoba. The fishing is incredible and makes Lynn Lake a destination for visitors from all over North America. Many of these trips are fly-ins due to the long stretch of road that has to be covered if you drive.

Miller the Mover is Lynn Lake’s nearest Van Line moving company and is accustomed to shipping goods to Lynn Lake. If you are moving to or from Lynn Lake or shipping goods in either direction, Miller the Mover is here to help.

If you would like to learn more about Lynn Lake pay a visit to the town’s official website.

If you need a quote for a move to Lynn Lake fill out our online form for a free estimate.


For information about why Miller the Mover is the top moving company in specific markets, visit our pages about moving to:

The Pas, MB

Flin Flon, MB

Norway House Cree Nation, MB

Cranberry Portage, MB

Leaf Rapids, MB

Snow Lake, MB

Swan River, MB

Thompson, MB

Churchill, MB

Winnipeg, MB